OneBlade Reviews

: 10
70% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Effective for long beards, poo
I've been using this product for a couple of years now, and I have to say it's great fo...Read on

Review with most votes

Oneblade is the last I needed
I have been changing my blades over a the time for one reason or another. There are some premium ...Read on
Quentin Wuan-Xi

Reviews (10)






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    Would buy here again

    Oneblade is the last I needed

    I have been changing my blades over a the time for one reason or another. There are some premium products that I considered to just simply go for but to be honest, they are not really very very good or just too much costlty for usual men to make sense of spending so much on shaving.
    I like to shave like a lot and trim and have really good beard but often need good shave. I work in management, so looking precise and cut-clean with our presentation is important.
    oNEBLADE was the solution I was so waiting for. They have such high-quality single-edge razor, no double. the traditional way to go for it.
    I get the products from online every month as a package with some other cool accessories just make all shaving stuff very cool.

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    Would buy here again

    Problematic start

    Honestly, I was so close to throwing in the towel on this razor after two awful shaves. My skin was on fire like never before and I was ready to just take it back. But something told me to check out the how-to video and give it another shot. And wouldn't you know it, the trick to getting a great shave with this razor is to keep pressure on the top so the gizmo can do its thing. Once I got the hang of that, it was like a whole new ballgame.

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    Would buy here again

    Best shaving gear ever

    I just have to say, the shaving stuff I got from this company is seriously awesome. Before I found this product, every time I shaved I ended up looking like I just got out of a battle with all those annoying red bumps. No matter what I tried, nothing seemed to work. But now that I've been using this shaving gear, my skin has never been smoother or looked better. I can't thank them enough for changing up my shaving game.

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    Would buy here again

    Effective for long beards, poor battery life

    I've been using this product for a couple of years now, and I have to say it's great for longer beards. However, I'm pretty disappointed in the battery life. There have been a few times when I was left with half a shave and shaving cream still on my face because the battery died. It's also a bummer that I can't use it while it's charging.

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    Would buy here again

    Shaving razor, disappointing

    I was really disappointed with the shaving razor I bought. Even though the ads made it sound amazing, it just didn't measure up to what I was hoping for. The blade is too short, so it takes forever to shave and the end result isn't as close as I was expecting. It's a bummer because my daughter, who is a student, spent a lot of money on it as a gift for me.

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    Would buy here again

    Philips OneBlade Razor

    I was super let down by Braun electric razors, so I switched it up and started wet shaving. That turned out to be a real struggle with my beard growth. But then I took a chance on the Philips OneBlade razor, and man, it blows everything else out of the water. Thank you, seriously.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick and efficient purchase

    I just bought a grooming tool online and man, that website was so easy to use. The checkout process went super smooth. The product description was top-notch - told me everything I needed to know to make a smart choice. The whole shopping experience was a breeze, and they kept me posted on my order every step of the way.

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    Would buy here again

    Bulky cancellation process

    I never realized cancelling a razor blade subscription would be so frustrating. I mean, calling a hotline, giving them a ton of info, and then waiting forever for them to even process my request? It's crazy. All for some stupid razor blades. I could've shaved my head in the time I wasted dealing with this.

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    Would buy here again

    OneBlade Razor

    I tried out the OneBlade razor recently and man, it was quite a journey. I thought I'd test it out on not just my face, but also on the more sensitive spots. Gotta say, the results weren't what I had hoped for. That razor didn't quite live up to all the talk. It took forever to get a decent shave, especially in those more delicate areas. Ended up feeling annoyed and let down after all that time spent trying to get a smooth shave without any mishaps. Honestly, I'd suggest sticking with a classic razor and shaving gel for a faster and overall better shave.

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    Would buy here again

    Razor Blades

    I just bought some razor blades, thinking they would give me a nice, long-lasting shave. But man, was I let down! The packaging promised they'd go strong for up to 4 months, but after just two uses, the plastic around the blades snapped. It was a major letdown and honestly, I was expecting better quality and durability from this brand. All in all, I was super bummed out by how these razor blades performed.

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