151 companies

Adult shops


    Adult shops

    After your salary, sex shops might be the biggest taboo in the UK. While many people sometimes order at a(n online) sex shop and others over the age of 18 would like to buy, it’s still something one does not like to talk about. Luckily, nowadays you can order products safe and fast via a post order company or online sex shop. Often these packages are often blank and anonymous, so you don’t need to be ashamed when the delivery man comes round or, even worse, hands it over to your neighbours. But in these kind of online shops it’s important to know how they handle their customers. Hoe is the customer service? Do they treat you and your personal information with care and respect? Hoe reliable are they? Is there somewhere you can compare prices and how heap is each sex shop? And of course you also want to know if they keep to their promised delivery period/ That’s why customers who bought something recently bought something wrote this down. So you know what shop is descreet.
